> **TINR** is a protocol 

Tinr is a successor to RSS  2020 by Brock Whitten 

> Tinr Is Not RSS

## Specification...

### ADD Message

    curl https://sintaxi.com --user name:pass -d "Hello World."

### GET Messages (aka. tinr feed)

    curl https://sintaxi.com


              ID              Domain              Message
              |                 |                    |
  +----------------------+ +---------+ +---------------------------+
  |                      | |         | |                           |

  2020-04-25T04:46:57.284Z sintaxi.com Reference a feed @json.org
  2020-04-25T04:46:57.284Z sintaxi.com A message with \n a linebreak.
  2020-04-25T04:46:57.284Z sintaxi.com This is a second message.
  2020-04-25T04:46:57.284Z sintaxi.com Hello World.

### Status Codes
      - 201 Created
      - 402 Payment Required
      - 403 Forbidden
      - 401 Unauthorized
      - 413 Request Entity Too Large
      - 429 Too Many Requests

      - 200 Success
      - 429 Too Many Requests

## Values

  - Easy to implement.
  - TINR must support flexible use cases.
  - TINR must support flexible use cases.
  - Easy to post messages.
  - Easy to consume messages.
  - Low barrier to compatability.

## Things not part of the TINR protocol...
  - User Management
  - Authentication Details
  - Message Storage

## Static Hosting Providers with TINR implemented...

  - Surge.sh